According to psychologists, there are two different types of thinking – system 1 and system 2. System 1 is fast-paced thinking we seem to do almost automatically while system 2 is more thoughtful and only activated when needed. We have two systems because a lot of our day is taken up by routine. To cope with the repetitive actions that don’t require much thought, we’ve developed an “automatic” thinking process in system 1. It requires less energy than system 2, so we use it throughout the entire day. System 1 is prone to errors and bias, making us think more emotionally and impulsively. On the other hand, system 2 is only engaged when it is needed. When we want to make an educated, rational decision, or when system 1 encounters something out of the routine, the part of our minds that do the “heavy lifting” comes into play. Brands and companies can utilise these thinking systems when building their marketing strategy. Businesses need to think in system 2 but communica...
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